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Old 10-06-2019-, 21:16   #66
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Default Re: New Hentai Games & 3D porn Games

Bad Memories - v0.1.6

Years ago you left your hometown after some bad events happened and you swore to never come back. As time goes by you manage to build a normal and successful life and all the bad memories start to faint and become foggy.

One day you get the chance of your life, the opportunity to work for the most successful company on the market. You made a name over the years and they are ready to give you an insane amount of monthly payment (by your standards) for your work and the best thing is, you only need to visit the office once or twice a week at call. But of course there is a downside: They want you to move to the location of their office to be there as quick as possible when they call and of course their office is in your old hometown...
You need some time to make a decision, but in the end you decide to do it. The job is all you ever dreamed of and it's been years since you left your hometown after all.

You rent a nice apartment you have looked up on the internet, pack some essential stuff in a bag and ship the rest via container.
Since the container needs some days to arrive you also book a hotel room for a few days.
The story starts the day you arrived in your old hometown, after you took a taxi from the airport.?

-fixed wrong image compression for Android for some of the newer scenes (damn you photoshop for doing it again!)
-reworked the UI a little bit (it's a nightmare and it doesn't even look much better :cry: )
-fixed femC using male dialogue in some places
-added missing femC images
-fixed some minor typos and wording here and there
-added ...someting else too

Platform: Windows, Linux
Language: English
Version: 0.1.6
Censored: No
Size: 186 mb

Reluctant Archon - Ch. 1

People don't see the world as it is, they pry to deities hoping for a better life. But don't realize that same deity is sleeping with their neighbor's wife or having a drink in the bar across the street. Others like to study the creatures of mythology, not knowing their probably sitting beside one on the bus home. You play the youngest member of the Ashall Family, a family with a long bloodline of Sorcerers, and Spellweavers. Always kept locked away from the outside world it was made clear your father had a plan for you, how/who/what you'd be, however the rebellious little shit you were never really did what he wanted. And after an event that left hostility between you and your father, you left it all and stepped into that world of deities, humans and myths hiding in plain sight.?

Platform: Windows
Language: English
Version: Ch. 1
Censored: No
Size: 836 mb
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